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Adam Wildi is a consultant and project director engaging with artists, architects, developers and engineers to provide public realm installations, pavilions and interventions. He can consult throughout the life cycle of a project, from inception to implementation to legacy.

Clients and the public in general have an increasing appetite for ambitious, interactive and educational installations: Adam is expert at complex, hard-to-imagine projects. He collaborates closely with clients and projects partners to realise complete schemes. Adam can:

  • provide project direction for design/design & build contracts

  • help frame up contracts

  • advise on the tender process

  • be part of the bid team

  • help engage the relevant creatives

  • participate in or even run the design team

  • consult on content and software as well as the physical

  • consult on or provide the complete package for implementation

  • champion the creative integrity during the process

  • direct the construction phase of the project on behalf of the main contractor or client

  • provide quality management during installation


Adam Wildi is a consultant for the interactive, educational and iconic and can deliver the difficult and creative where art is integrated, not gratuitous He is an expert project director for major capital projects and consults for the public realm, temporary architecture and architectural interventions. He can be engaged by engineering groups, architects, property developers and government departments.



Temporary Architecture, in the context of the event and entertainment industry, means the creation of a Venue with the mission to make it not only habitable and comfortable but enjoyable and experiential as well.  In the way of all good architecture, the Venue must also be an enhancement to its surroundings and an attraction in and of itself. Further, the effort is to employ as light a touch as possible, to leave the site as unaffected as it was found prior to the project and to waste as little as possible. Then the Venue can join in the sustainable, ephemeral nature of the event.


Pavilion Architecture is a version of the above and can be permanent -  20 years plus - but has the ‘temporary’ element that sets the artist or architect, or both, free from heavy infrastructure involvement. The Serpentine Pavilions in London, pave the way each year and now have a life beyond their brief showing in the British summer. The Chanel Mobile Art Pavilion could be termed the gold standard: after touring New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong it found a home for five years outside Institute du Monde Arabe in Paris.

Adam Wildi

Adam Wildi is a consultant and project director engaging with artists, architects, developers and engineers to provide
Public Realm installations, pavilions and interventions.

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